Saturday, January 21, 2012

Made it home

We made it home! After only four days in the hospital we were discharged!
                                                         On the way home!

I know its been a while since I've updated y'all, Its been kinda hectic, but its wonderful to be home with Kaylee. I can tell that she is also thrilled to be home in her own bed. The last couple days at the hospital were terrible. Even though Kaylee was feeling better she was very irritable and I can't blame her. She was completely terrified all the nurses and doctors. Anytime anyone even came in the room she was hysterical. She hated the hospital food, also cant blame her for that! None of us got any sleep since nurses came in every hour to take vitals, give meds, ect.... BUT all of that is in the past now and we need to focus on the future! We are home and happy. As long as I stay on schedule with Kaylee's Tylenol she is content and back to her old happy self. Its amazing how resilient children are.
                                                      First day home!
                                                          First dinner home!

 Yesterday Kaylee had an appointment to remove her two stitches but her Dr. was in the middle of emergency surgery so there was no telling how many hours we would have to wait so I rescheduled. This coming Tuesday Kaylee has an appointment with her cardiologist and they will be doing an echocardiogram (An echocardiogram is a test in which ultrasound is used to examine the heart) and an EKG (an EKG is a test that checks for problems with the electrical activity of your heart). Everything is going so well. Lets be sure to keep our prayers going so hopefully this will be the last surgery she will have to go through.


  1. Such a strong lil girl! I bet she'll be up to par to play with Bella next month...or at least beat each other up. lol

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I hope you both are doing great!

  4. Thank you Linda <3 we have been doing well!
