Thursday, January 5, 2012

I was previously posting on another blog website but I like this one much better so here it goes! 

      My daughter Kaylee was born June 11, 2010.

Her birth was not that of a typical newborn baby. As soon as she was born they cleaned and wrapped her up, I gave Kaylee my love and kisses, took a quick picture, and they whisked her away to the NICU. This was all apart of the plan though... I knew at twenty weeks that my daughter would be born with a special heart. This was something that was very hard for me to deal with considering I was only seventeen years old at the time. Kaylee was in NICU for about a week. When I finally got to take her home all was right with the world. She was so perfect in every way it was hard to believe there was anything wrong with her. 

      At four months old Kaylee had her first open heart surgery to correct her Atrioventricular canal defect , October 26, 2010. It was a hard time for all of us, especially Kaylee. It was exhausting, not to mention at the time I was wrapping up my first semester of college. 
     Its been over a year since her surgery and we've come very far since then. Kaylee is almost 19 months old. Shes walking, talking, playing, and doing all the normal things a toddler should be doing.

A couple months ago we found out Kaylee will be having another surgery! Her cardiologist told us we could get through the holidays (Thank goodness) and then it would be time to schedule surgery. Right now we are exactly a week away from surgery! I am more at ease this time around because I know what to expect but I hate that Kaylee is going through this again. I will make sure to keep everyone up to date on how things go so stay tuned!

-Kaylee's Mommy


  1. I'm glad you are doing this! It will be therapeutic for you and you will have so much support! You are such a strong person to go through these difficult times, and remember that when you feel that you can't handle something, lean on God. He is strong enough for the both of you! You, Kaylee and your family are in my prayers!
